S27 - Mutual

I had a headache tonight after I took a shower. I put on my robe and was brushing my hair when I felt a pulsing in my head, behind my forehead. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. A shiver ran down my spine and my whole body tensed.

I don't know how I knew, but I knew that was the signal. I went out to the living room and opened the large window. I could see it coming, a faint orb of light. 8th Wonder was coming. I left the window open but I went back to my bedroom. No burning clothes this time. I took off my robe and lied it on the floor. I sat crossed-legged on top of it and closed my eyes. Made my mind blank out.

Link said if I ever thought 8th Wonder was coming, I should try meditating. I should see what happened if she came to me when my mind was clear and open. Maybe we could communicate.

I took deep breaths. Inhale, exhale. Think of nothing. Open, be open.

I saw brightness in front of me, even with my eyes closed. But I tried not to break my state of mind. Just let it happen. That's what Link said.

Then I felt it. A warm, tingling sensation over my whole body. My body temperature was rising. Then I was rising off the floor. Stay calm. Stay calm. I tried not to think about floating or how high off the ground I must be.

If it was easier to change seats in a car without exiting the car, and someone could shove you in the back seat and stop you from coming back the front, I imagine it would feel like this.

I was conscious. I knew 8th Wonder was taking over my body, but I think this was the part where my brain shuts off. Except this time it stayed on, watching. But she was in charge of moving.

My body relaxed. I uncrossed my legs and shifted into a standing position. When I opened my eyes, I could see and everything was brighter. Everything was more defined. Stronger images.

I moved--8th Wonder--moved me over toward the mirror on the wall. Floating there, I saw what Ryan must have seen a few times now. A glowing, burning figure. Woman-shaped, but not obviously me. My eyes and hair were bursting with yellow and white light. With the energy and light shifting around me, it was hard to make out my exact shape. I don't look naked. That works for me.

I felt better about that time Ryan found me.

Then I remembered I was supposed to try to communicate with 8th Wonder. I thought about introductions and mixed in some of my feelings of confusion. I thought about curiosity and questions. I tried to make her understand the uncertainty and fear that I felt, less so now than when this all began but both feelings are still there.

8th Wonder didn't respond in any way that I understood but I could feel her moving around in my mind the same way Link did the first time.

Then I felt something close to calmness from her. Reassurance.

And a whisper in my mind. "Hello?"

I echoed it. "Hello?"

"You are called Molly?"

"Yes." Was 8th Wonder really communicating with me in English? I was so sure I'd have to stick with pure telepathy. This was a nice surprise. "What do I call you?"

"You've been calling me 8th Wonder. You may continue with that name. I don't know of one more suitable."

I shrugged. We shrugged?

"So you can understand English?" I asked her.

"I share the skills you have, as you share mine."

She knows English because I know English. I liked this set up.

"Did you understand what I communicated to you before?"


"Okay." I looked at myself in the mirror again. What now?

"I have a question for you, if I may ask."


"Before tonight, I was never aware of when you came to me. Why am I aware now?"

"You were not prepared before. But now your discipline has made you ready."

"The meditation work?"


"I have another question. You being here, in my body. Does that hurt me? Is it dangerous?"

"I mean you no harm, Molly. My presence does not hurt you and it is not dangerous."

"So why me then?"

The outer door clicked open. "Molly?" Ryan.

I floated out into the main room. 8th Wonder was careful to keep my feet off the carpet and not set flame to the apartment.

Ryan saw me and froze. "Oh."

"It's okay, Ryan. I'm finally awake for this part." He understood me. Everyone has low-level telepathy. It's a matter of learning how to use it, and everyone who worked with the Super Seven learned.

He looked up into my eyes, even though all he would see is light. "Am I speaking to 8th Wonder?"

The thing about telepathy is, I keep thinking people's thoughts in my mind will sound different from their voices. But they're very similar. I'd know this was Ryan talking to me even if I didn't see him.

"No, it's me. Molly," I answered. Then I wondered if my thoughts sounded different from my voice when 8th Wonder possessed me. I made a mental note to ask Ryan later.

"You're aware of what's going on right now. That's great!"

I smiled, but I don't know what it looks like when I'm like this and smile. Hopefully it still looks like a happy smile.

"Molly, are you talking to her too?"

"Yes. It's better than I expected."

Ryan laughed. "Good, good." Then he said aloud, "Are you planning to go out? Should I grab my suit?"

8th Wonder conveyed a 'no' to me. I shook my head. I think all I can do when 8th Wonder possesses me is use telepathy. I tried forming words but none came out. So instead I thought, "No, we're staying in. Just talking I think."

Ryan nodded. He moved back to telepathy. "Okay, good. I'll let you two alone then. I'll be next door if you need anything."

"Okay, thanks."

He left and shut the door behind him.

The rest of what happened that night is hard for me to explain here. Writing down telepathic conversations is easy when they're in English, but what 8th Wonder told me after Ryan left was in pure telepathy. Concepts and emotions. She explained to me what her purpose is, why she chose me, and how this connection between us works. It's all in my head now, but it's hard for me to explain. Maybe it'll be easier after I've had time to think about what she told me.

I woke up the next morning in my bed. I didn't remember when 8th Wonder left or if I dreamed, but I felt rested.