Half drunk with sleep, she waded through the blue sea of carpet and onto the chilled tile islands. It was three in the morning and her mind asked her a question: How do you march on a static cloud?


They had water color conversations, ideas with no definite boundaries that easily blended together.


I'm learning how to drop off the grid like you do. I'm learning to let friendships go and ignore attempts at reconnection. I don't feel angry; I barely feel guilty. The part that scares me is, I like the separating. I like the freedom.

Is this what it's like for you?


He sits on the edge of a mental breakdown.

Not in her world

It's a completely different world inside her head,
when she's tired in bed,
and what you don't understand is,
she will never let you in.

She won't tell you about
the stories she writes
or the characters she dreams,
of anything she creates in her headspace
Because it's all in the world she creates
and you do not belong there.

Do you know what you are to her?
You are anger, ignorence, defeat, disappointment,
illogic, arrogance, prejudice, immaturity, lies, malice.
Her world is not perfect but she does not welcome you there.

She leaves you here in this broken, screaming world
Not as punishment but because you belong here
And you have the nerve to persecute her?


Days when her fingers felt so cold, they felt wet.


You don't have to know who I am–only that I am here.