S5 - 8th Wonder

There was something else I wanted to write about, but it doesn't fit in with the Super Seven. People don't even know exactly what it is--mutant human, alien, natural force, sentient energy, an angel--but we call it 8th Wonder. Whatever it is, it seems to be helpful and a force for good.

There have been several sightings of it around the city. A glowing form of white light. Sometimes so bright that you can't look directly at it.

Two months ago, there was a fire in a huge apartment complex downtown. Most of the tenants evacuated the buildings and the firefighters helped people escape the flames. Someone saw an eight year-old boy standing two blocks away and asked him why he was outside in the middle of the night. He stared at the burning complex and said he had been in his bedroom a second ago and black smoke was filling his room. A firefighter asked the boy how he got out of the building. "I don't know," he said. "I saw the smoke and then all I saw was white. Then I was standing here."

Last week a group of teenagers was swimming in King's Lake when a tornado hit an electric tower nearby. The power lines snapped away from the tower and one of them landed in the lake. It happened so fast. Those teenagers in the lake should have been electrocuted but they ended up on the shore, safe. A reporter asked one of them how they had gotten out of the lake. The girl said she had no idea. She had heard the tornado touch down a couple miles away and then her vision "blanked."

I'm not sure why I'm telling you this now, but it goes along with the local superheroes. Even if we don't know exactly who or what 8th Wonder is.